Monday, May 5, 2008

On Political Correctness

My man, Charlton Heston, called it the “tyranny of manners.” He was talking about the obsession with political correctness of the self-anointed, morally superior, sensitive and compassionate elite, a type of censorship that is only applied to subjects near and dear to this vociferous left-leaning fringe.

Interestingly, the idea of political correctness is a German invention, developed in the 1920’s by the “Frankfurt School,” a group of progressive thinkers, who were trying to help to spread the Bolshevik Revolution into the rest of Europe. The obstacle, as they saw it, was Western Civilization and its belief in the primacy of the individual and not the group. To achieve their goal of advancing the revolution, they decided that western society’s speech and thought patterns had to be changed by putting about the idea that vocalizing your beliefs was disrespectful to others and must be avoided, in order to make up for past inequities. And it was important to call it something that sounded positive: ”Political Correctness.” George Orwell grasped this concept perfectly.

This infatuation with sensitivity has spread everywhere, particularly the media and post-modern literature. Advocates of political correctness try to homogenize our language, make it easy to be a victim. Terms like “culturally deprived” or “developmentally challenged” come to mind. If you aren’t successful in life, then it must be the fault of your race or gender. Truth is no longer absolute, but simply one perspective offered by a particular group to promote its own interest.

It is a language that leaves common sense at the door. It speaks in platitudes and feel-good euphemisms. It uses words which obfuscate, cloak and obliterate reality. If you do not fall in line, you are marginalized as a died-in-the-wool reactionary, bigot or redneck. I sometimes feel we have returned to the days of the Spanish Inquisition or the star chamber.

I recently wrote a story that touched on the subject of rape of countless German women by Red Army soldiers in 1945. It is a documented fact of history and it was part of the price of the Germans’ defeat. I happened to live there at the time. Rape and death and destruction were a normal part of our everyday life. I tried to put a light-hearted spin on a terrible story. I was told that this was offensive, that rape was a subject that must not be treated lightly. I agree, but back then it was part of the booty of victory. Rape occurred every day and no one in the West objected, because they were afraid of Uncle Joe’s displeasure. Would they object today? I doubt it. If the soldiers were American, perhaps. After all, they are today’s evil empire.

I admit that I am politically incorrect. Mea maxima culpa. Maybe it’s my age. I simply don’t care if anyone thinks I’m a reactionary or a dinosaur. Whatever. This is a free country and everyone is entitled to their truths. It is ok, if you don’t agree with me. That’s your right. Just don’t tell me what I should do or think. If I am factually wrong, show me the error of my ways. I will admit my shortcomings. It is human to err.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that i have to agree with what has been said about "political correctness " , we have become a socity of people who are to afraid to say the truth of one's opinion or the past of our world and all the happenings that have happened . good for you for speaking your mind and the past you happened to live .